Sunday, June 21, 2009

Journey Back from Lake Kenyir

In this third and final write-up on the KB wedding trip, I would like to share our journey from Lake Kenyir to Kuala Lumpur. The route we took started from the coastal road of Terengganu through the East-West highway and onwards to the Karak highway and eventually home. A thick fog came to greet us on our last morning in Kenyir (Left). 
Large billboard signs seem to be the norm in coastal roads (Bottom).
Alas, after more than 2 hours of driving, we're back in a town and in this case, Kuala Terengganu (KT), the capital of Terengganu state. We are approaching the entrance of Chinatown (Bottom).
We chanced upon a restaurant that whips up very interesting fruit juices. Name is the game for these cocktail juices and I can remember one being named "Green Green Grass by the River" which is happily taken from the title of a Taiwanese sob series. It has chinese parsley in it! Yikes, I'm ok eating parsley with chicken rice but to have it in a fruit juice cocktail? No siree. I ordered a mango cocktail instead.
A sample of cocktail juices available (1st and 2nd bottom)
After the short stop, we left KT. Not much later, we zoomed pass Kerteh. Kerteh is of course known as an Oil & Gas town due to it's oil refineries. I can't help but to request for some pictures of this town to be taken since it is my bread and butter. Even from this far, the photos managed to vividly capture the flaring of unwanted gas. Like it or not, this made Kerteh town much hotter compared to surrounding towns inlcuding the next one, Kemaman.
After approximately 45 minutes later, we hit Kemaman town. This would be the last town worthy of a stop before we moved on to the East-West highway. Before this, I only have scant knowledge of Kemaman. Nevertheless, Chn Hao introduced us to one of the best kopitiam in town, known as "Hai Peng" (海平)。
Being in a small town, Hai Peng managed to preserve most of the old charming deco (Bottom).
The food they served is very atypical from those you'll get in Kuala Lumpur. Some of the food we ordered include Chilli Tuna Bun and Cinammon milk drink and both are highly recommended. Yum yum our food has arrived (Bottom).
At last, our journey comes to end with the last stretch of driving that would take us to Kuala Lumpur and last for approximately 3 hours. Ciaoz.


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