Post-Concert Review
Ironically, I've bought her tickets less than a week before her concert. I was on the brink of giving up as purchasing the tickets through their hotline number proved futile.Luckilyy Huey mentioned that I should check out the tickets in Rock Planet Cafe (Hard Rock & Planet Hollywood) since they are selling the tickets seperately.
The stars were shining very brightly on me that night as I managed to get tickets for the RM175 seats, smack right in the middle of stadium. Not a bad deal at all considering that it was close to selling out online.
Initially, there were so much pre-concert drama that it was almost unbelievable. *Hint* Protest by certain bodies for Gwen to cover up. To prove that this is a practical joke, most of the people turned up showing more skin than Baywatch. Well, ok exaggeration but come on even I was wearing less than a dolled up Gwen that day.
Fortunately the concert manage to proceed as scheduled. It is stated in the ticket that the show starts at 830 but 10 mins before the start, still less than half of the seats were filled. Sigh~~ Malaysia Boleh! People were still taking their on sweet time however by the time the show starts at 915 it was filled almost to the brim. All and all the show was slightly short, less than 2 hours but what the heck, I have no complains as Gwen had sang all her songs and very well at that indeed.
She bursts into the stage along with the Harajuku Girls singing Sweet Escape, followed by her other big hits including Rich Girl, 4am, Hollaback and Wind-it up. The climax of the show would definitely be Cool where she ran all the way to the back of the stadium climbed on to the retracted seats and shook hands with the RM260 audiences. The whole stadium were hysterical and Gwen just shrugged off her bodyguard when he tried to get her down again haha. Of course, I could only look at the 260s with envy.
No concert would be complete without the obligatory Encore! session and so we did and rather persistently I might add. She came back out sang more of her songs before finally wrapping it up with "What are you waiting for?" I knew that this will be last song because there were already people leaving the stadium in a rush. WTH! How'd these people know!!??
Anyhows since we, like the majority of the other concert-goers, left about the same time, we're stucked in a slow crawl out of the parking area. I've notice that were still alot of delighted audiences who were singing & humming to her songs. swt.
I wrapped up my night in Steven's corner since it is the closest mamak stall there. The only reason I got to do that was because I took leave the following day. (I borrowed a few photos from the blogger below. If you have the time, go read his review about the concert cos its more elaborate & interesting).
Outside the Putra Stadiun just before the concert begins (1st bottom) and the entrance to our seatings (2nd bottom)

Thinking back about the concert, never in my dreams that I thought I would go to Gwen's concert as the average audience and left her concert as a big fan.
The only thing I'm regretting now is that I have not bought the more expensive ticket so I can be more up-close to Gwen.
The only thing I'm regretting now is that I have not bought the more expensive ticket so I can be more up-close to Gwen.
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